See the current day’s option volume and compare it to the past five-day average. View implied and historical volatility of underlying securities and get a feel for the market with a breakdown of the options traded above or below the bid or ask price or between the market. What is Thin...
Scanner for #ThinkOrSwim Looks for stocks with an average volume above the limit. The limit and the number of days to find the average volume are configurable. Scanner In stock base at any level Scanner for #ThinkOrSwim Looks for stocks in which bases have appeared at any price level. For ...
Scanner for #ThinkOrSwim Looks for stocks with an average volume above the limit. The limit and the number of days to find the average volume are configurable. Scanner In stock base at any level Scanner for #ThinkOrSwim Looks for stocks in which bases have appeared at any price level. For ...
Column Action traded above its average volume Column Both positions on High/Low Scanner In stock base at any level Scanner for #ThinkOrSwim Looks for stocks in which bases have appeared at any price level. For bases, the standard settings for maximum level deviation Base column within a horizo...