Out of the box thinking means you’re indifferent to the expectations of others, and play by your own rules.
thinking that moves away in diverging directions so as to involve a variety of aspects and which sometimes lead to novel ideas and solutions; associated with creativity synonyms:divergent thinking see more Cite this entry Style: MLA "Out-of-the-box thinking."Vocabulary.com Dictionary,Vocabulary.com...
1、Unit 2 Thinking out of the box高中英语牛津译林版(高中英语牛津译林版(20202020)选修第三册)选修第三册1.What does the quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mean?Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward;they may be beaten,but they may start a winning game.Johann Wolfgang von GoetheThe q...
Out Of The Box Thinkingmeans thinking differently or unconventionally. In other words, thinking about something from a new perspective. We can also say ‘thinking outside the box,’‘thinking out of the box,’ or ‘thinking beyond the box.’ In Australia, some people say ‘thinking outside ...
Unit2Thinkingoutofthebox 1.WhatdoesthequotefromJohannWolfgangvonGoethe mean? Daringideasarelikechessmenmovedforward;theymaybebeaten, buttheymaystartawinninggame. —JohannWolfgangvonGoethe Thequoteisintendedtoencouragepeopletoactivelybe creative,andnottobeafraidofdifficultiesorfailures.These difficultiesandfailures...
What is AI Process Automation? Explore the definition, examples, and benefits of AI process automation DEMO See how Camunda can help transform your organization In this short series (see part 1 here) I’ll be doing a deep dive into some of the limitations of modern event-based microservices ...
out-of-the-box thinking creative thinking,creativeness,creativity- the ability to create cerebration,intellection,mentation,thinking,thought process,thought- the process of using your mind to consider something carefully; "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought" ...
Chinese take out box 中式包装盒 相似单词 out of the box 盒外创造性的,独特性,思维不合常规;计算机术语里指从盒子里拿出来直接可以使用的,也就是开箱即用。 thinking n.[U] 1.思想,思考,思维 2.想法,见解 a.思想的,有理智的,有思考力的 box n.[C] 1.箱;盒;匣 2.一箱(或一盒、一匣)的容...
(2010). Thinking out of the box: From physiotherapy to rehabilitation. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. 1 (1), 1-4.Kumar SP. Thinking out of the box-from physiotherapy to rehabilitation. Int J Physiother Rehabil. 2010; 1 :1–4.Kumar SP.Thinking out of the box- ...