舍恩认为,像“即兴思考(thinking on your feet)”和“时刻保持你的聪明才智(keeping your wits about you)”这 样的短语不仅 … www.docin.com|基于12个网页 2. 站着思考 第四,要养成「站着思考」(thinking on your feet)的习惯,增进边说边想的胆识与能耐。倘若来得及的话,可以将上台前紧 … ...
This framework may provide a different emphasis for courses and programmes designed to support debriefing practices where microskill development is often privileged, especially those microskills associated withtechniques(plan of action, creating a safe environment, managing learning objectives, promoting ...
Plus, when you know word origins like this, an important skill for critical thinkers, you’re able to think faster on your feet.That is very beneficial for our text major set of benefits:Seven: Catch Yourself In ConversationsHow many times have you found yourself in a loop of self ...
Improvisation is an important work skill, because unexpected situations will always crop up. Using creativity to think on your feet and find suitable ways forward in the face of uncertainty is a useful ability to have. It can also be an example of how to solve problems at work. 8. Innovati...
'Thinking on my feet': an improvisation course to enhance students' confidence and responsiveness in the medical interview Effective patient-centred communication requires physicians to respond 'in the moment' to comments and questions. It is a valuable skill to be able to reac......
网络开拓思路 网络释义 1. 开拓思路 思路拓展,broaden train of... ... ) expand thinking 拓展思维 )Skill of Thinking开拓思路) broaden thoughts 拓宽思路 ... www.dictall.com|基于3个网页 例句
As a result, analytical reasoning is an importantsoft skillin the workplace, when we’re tackling our daily tasks, and for ourcareer advancementmore broadly. In some industries, such as IT and data management, analytical skills aren’t just good to have; they’re absolutely essential because ...
Unit 2 Critical Thinking 批判性思维 思辨Keynote Address July 23, 2007By Richard Paul, Director of Research and Professional Dev,人人文库,renrendoc.com
It may even increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and of impairing our executive functioning, the very skill sets we need to do our jobs well. 我们在家时反思工作的时间越长,我们就越有可能经历睡眠障碍,吃更加不健康的食物,情绪也更加糟糕。它甚至有可能增加心血管疾病的风险,并且危害我们(对工作...
A guy like Malcolm who makes that type of quick, instinctive plays, that's one of his strong suits. I don't think it surprised any of us players because that's what his skill set is. —Tom Brady 50 Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to...