01 MoonlightDrive 🌕 ~ lofi hip hop mix [beats to chill - drive to] 1:18:07 Spring Road Trip 🚙 The Scenic Route [chill lofi beats - driving mix] 59:33 ♫ songs to listen to when you're in love ; korean r&b [11 songs] 37:13 Elise Trouw - How to Get What You Want ...
“By that time I had theRolandSpace Echo effects unit. We were into dub, where the reggae guys would do the echo. I discovered all of these rhythms with this echo. I had a footswitch to turn it on and off so I wouldn’t drive everybody nuts. When we recorded this song, I had t...
they don’t know the truth My he 分享11赞 大连吧 Sakura__萱 I am thinking about like crazy天堂好吗 你幸福吗 分享5赞 今天是20号吧 她遮住你的世界 [76th] I drive myself crazy thinking everything's about me 分享5赞 烟瘾至上吧 訁冉 I can't stop thinking of you,Such a crazy thing...
ASYMMETRY® Observations are Mike Shell’s observations of investor behavior causing directional price trends, global macro, tactical ETF trading, momentum stock trading, hedging, volatility trading, and risk management that creates asymmetric investment returns. An asymmetric return profile is a risk/...