The questions on this quiz and worksheet can help refresh your memory of ways to think and act like a scientist. Use these assessments while on the...
Being able to think like a scientist and to engage in the practices of science may help students see themselves as scientists and be recognized by others as scientists (i.e., identify as scientists), ultimately contributing to their motivation and persistence in STEM (Seymour and Hewitt 1997; ...
In this blog post I would like to walk through my thoughts about how the nature of remote teaching will have to change my curriculum and instructional design. I would like to cover the same basic concepts: namely photo-editing and game design introducing elementary programming procedures. Starting...
So I have decided to use Scratch on theMIT platformwhich works inside a browser, and apparently works fairly well on an iPad and allows students to use a free account. Students can also share their projects with others. This is crucial because I would like students to work in small groups...