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The book makes it clear that System 1 (thinking fast) thinking can be a lot of help during emotional situations or when you need to make split-second decisions. However, this type of thinking is also prone to excessive bias and will always look for things to confirm your suspicions. Thus,...
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7班常越英文书籍《Thinking,Fast and Slow》分享.m4a 403 2024-08 3 7班常越中文书籍《清单革命》分享.m4a 403 2024-08 4 7班蔡一铃英文书籍《Free lunch Easily digestible economics》.m4a 443 2024-08 5 7班蔡一铃中文书籍《穷查理宝典》分享.m4a ...
FreetoChoose:APersonalStatement《自由选 择》 Author:MiltonFriedman RosePublisher:ThomsonLearning MiltonFriedmanandhiswife,Rose,teamedup towritethismostconvincingandreadableguide, whichillustratesthecruciallinkbetweenAdam Smith'scapitalismandthefreesociety.Theyshow ...
Thinking Fast and Slow Summary Want a Free Audio & PDF of This Summary? Studies have shown that multimedia learning leads to quicker comprehension, better memory, and higher levels of achievement. Get the free audio and PDF version of this summary, and learn more faster, whenever and wherever...
Free Download Thinking, Fast and Slow [PDF] Full EbookBest Books
Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments 4th edition (Wadsworth Pub Co, 2008). Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kindle 2011) . Moore, Brooke Noel and Richard Parker. Critical Thinking (McGraw Hill, 2008). Smith, Jonathan. 2009. Pseudoscience and ...
诺贝尔经济学奖得主丹尼尔·卡内曼在《THINKING, FAST & SLOW》中向这个观点发起挑战:理性人的假设让经济学的扣子从一开始就系错了。作为认知学家,卡内曼发现人的思维活动可分为两类,一类是快思考(SYESTEM 1),一类是慢思考(SYESTEM 2)。System 1 is impulsive and intuitive; System 2 is cautious and capable...
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