and Roux Institutes. Prior to joining Northeastern in November 2022,Scarpinowas the Vice President of Pathogen Surveillance at The Rockefeller Foundation and Chief Strategy Officer at Dharma Platform (a social impact, technology startup). Outside of these roles, he has over 10 years of experience ...
Without the Directive, UK workers would have had less protection. Equal Pay Should we pat ourselves on the back for having legislated for equal pay before even joining the EEC? In short, no. The right to equal pay was enshrined in Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome itself, which was ...
The answer lies in design thinking—a user-centric approach to problem-solving and idea generation (for more details on design thinking, I’d recommend reading Connecting Head-Heart-Hand). Many leading companies, including Apple, Airbnb, IBM, Google, and of course SAP, have incorporated the de...
I can honestly say that I have never received that many up votes for anything I have posted on faKebook since joining late 2010. I merely added the annotations illustrating how our ‘narratives’ are merging. So to recap REST is associated with ACHIRAL and symmetry and MOVEMENT is associated ...
Over the past two decades, we’ve built a community united by a love for soulful places. Pursuing B Corp certification formalises our commitment to balancing stakeholder interests with sustainability. Joining over 6,000 B Corp companies dedicated to meeting rigorous social and environmental standards...
“I’m thrilled to be joining TCT for my fifth production,” says Fridh. “Nicole is a friend and a true inspiration in my life, and when she told me that she wanted to do OR, and have me play Aphra Behn, of course I jumped at the opportunity to work with her again. She is a...
The place to click if you want to learn about psychotherapy, counseling, or whatever John SF is thinking about.
Before joining Barnard, I was a Lecturer of Economics at UCLA’s Economics Department, where I taught courses in Money and Banking, Macroeconomic Theory, and Monetary Economics, as well as supervised undergraduate research. My professional experience includes working as a research economist in the In...
ReadingandThinking&LearningAboutLanguage Anationalparkisnotaplayground.It’sasanctuaryfornatureandforhumanswhowillacceptnatureonnature’sownterms.——MichaelFrome国家公园不是游乐场。它是大自然的避难所,也是人类的避难所,人类会接受大自然的条件。——迈克尔·弗罗姆 1.Howdoyourelatethequotetothepicture?People...
I think back to when I first contemplated joining my first mission trip, which was to Uganda in November 2014, to assist with a SOMA teaching mission requested by a bishop in a beautiful part of SW Uganda. One day I was thinking about the announcement that there would be a mission trip...