6. 屏幕14寸:之前的笔记本是15.6,携带不方便 结合上面的要求及价格,很快就锁定了两款,一款是惠普的战66 5代,另一个是ThinkBook 14(当时在京东看的,存储内存只有512G,想着应该可以升级,所以在购买意向中),等我把这两款的信息提交给网管后,网管说重点看看联想的,意思很明确了,买联想本,然后我在联想官网咨询页面...
Think book14+的机身采用了全金属的银灰色双拼设计,正面包含了think book logo和logo的名牌。非常棒的...
Product Name: ThinkBook 14 G4 IAP Product Type: Notebook Processor Manufacturer: Intel Processor Type: Core i5 Processor Generation: 12th Gen Processor Model: i5-1240P Maximum Turbo Speed: 3.30 GHz Chipset Manufacturer: Intel Total Insta...
联想Thinkbook 14 G4+ IAP,i7-12代32G+512G 4580元#好物推荐🔥 - 福安市缪缪电子产品商行于20230324发布在抖音,已经收获了4.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
本人手上有一台原装ThinkBook14 G4+IAP联想笔记本电脑,有独立显卡,需要的速联系13135257117,价格美丽[玫瑰] - 随缘~留白于20240115发布在抖音,已经收获了32个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
起因是风扇太吵了,CPU温度才四十多度,风扇就狂转。根本无法安静的码字学习,于是自己写了一个ThinkBook 14+的手动风扇控制软件,只在自己的2022款Intel机器(ThinkBook 14 G4+ IAP)上实验了。其它机型能用的概率很小。请务必了解软件风险再决定是否使用,导致的各种问题本人概不负责。1. 简单的温度曲线控制功能,接管...
I understand that several of your ThinkBook 14 G4 IAP are having camera issues with MS Teams calls. Here are a few steps you can try to resolve the issue: -Check Privacy Settings: Ensure that the camera is allowed to be used by apps. Go to Settings > Privacy & security > Camera ...
等intel 7出来后,功耗应该降下来。不过,酷睿版本续航2个小时的确太短了,好像都是3~4个小时。
ThinkBook ..有人试过怎么样支持系统:Microsoft Windows 11支持机型:ThinkBook 14 G4+ IAPThinkBook 16 G4+ IAP更新说明:HYCN40WW:1. 新增1) 将
Batteries, AC Adapters, Memory, Storage, Displays, Cables and much more. Did someone help you today? Press thethumbs-upicon below to thank them! If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please click the"Accept Solution"...