You don't have a license key, yet? You need a license key to use think-cell. So please request a trial license key for evaluation or order one for productive work. Interested in a free trial?You want to order licenses?
The think-cell license key window pops upthink-cell requires a valid license key to run. The license key is checked on each start of Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Excel. If no valid license information is found on your system or if the license key is about to expire, the think-cell ...
License Key 输入序列号即可) 5. 安装完成后,打开PPT,插入里面已经有think-cell 插件了。(如果没有该插件,关闭正在使用的PPT,重新打开新的PPT;如果还没有,重新启动电脑) 6. 依次点击 More-about,里面是自己的序列号信息。可以开开心心使用think cell 拉!
(如果没有自动跳出该对话框,关闭现有已经打开的所有 PPT,重 新打开新的,就会有对话框出现; 再或者看下面步骤 6 类似的截图,依次点击 More-activate/或者是 License Key 输入序列号即可) 5. 安装完成后,打开 PPT,插入里面已经有 think-cell 插件了。(如果 没有该插件,关闭正在使用的 PPT,重新打开新的 PPT;...
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made....
Three key features of the update Now let’s get to the juicy stuff! There are three main components of the think-cell 9 update, all of which show the company’s fierce dedication to continually improving technology. Let’s start with the feature I’m most excited about: chart capture. ...
LicenseKey输入序列号即可) 5.安装完成后,打开PPT,插入里面已经有think-cell插件了。(如果 没有该插件,关闭正在使用的PPT,重新打开新的PPT;如果还没 有,重新启动电脑) 6.依次点击More-about,里面是自己的序列号信息。可以开开心心 使用thinkcell拉!
(如果没有自动跳出该对话框,关闭现有已经打开的所有PPT,重 新打开新的,就会有对话框出现; 再或者看下面步骤6 类似的截图,依次点击More-activate/或者是 License Key 输入序列号即可) 5. 安装完成后,打开PPT,插入里面已经有think-cell 插件了。(如果 没有该插件,关闭正在使用的PPT,重新打开新的PPT;如果还没 有...
Renew online Renew through a reseller You can also approach your current reseller or one ofour resellersfor renewals. Please let the reseller know the old license key you wish to replace. Renew through a reseller Frequently asked questions ...