, Inc.是一家总部位于美国的私营医疗设备和技术公司,开发、制造和销售用于膝关节置换手术的主动机器人。TSolution One ® 全膝关节应用可自动制备骨骼和关节表面,并支持多功能开放式平台,为外科医生提供使用各种植入物的灵活性。TSolution One Total Knee Application系统由TPLAN®(3D术前计划工作站)和TCAT组成,TC...
近日,开发骨科手术机器人的技术创新者THINK Surgical宣布,新投资者韩国KDB投资向该公司投资1亿美元,帮助该公司更快地推出创新产品。 THINK Surgical总部位于美国加利福尼亚,是一家集开发、制造、销售膝关节置换手术机器人于一体的公司。其产品TSolution One系统结合了两项独家创新技术,允许外科医生在虚拟环境中设计和准备...
THINK Surgical TSolution-One®is an active-autonomous, image-based, robotic milling system which enables the surgeon to attain a consistently accurate implant component positioning. The TSolution-One®system is capable of achieving this through an image-based preoperative planning system which allows...
Utilities company Stadtwerke Gemünden transforms wastewater operations with 30% in time savings using our Asset Management solution. Read the full story Power transmission | Build SuedOstLink TenneT’s SuedOstLink Project: one of the largest infrastructure projects for Germany’s renewable energy tra...
ThinkBook 14 2 合 1 Gen 4 筆記簿型電腦採用隱藏式鉸鏈設計,視聽體驗有如身臨其境—這款多模式筆記簿型電腦以超窄邊框配搭加大屏幕空間,盡展魅力,正是工作、學校以至媒體創作與體驗的理想選擇;裝置另設自動取景、降噪、背景模糊等多項睿智會議功能,並備有智能網絡連線,用途百變...
"he didn't think to find her in the kitchen" "I guess she is angry at me for standing her up" 3. use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments; "I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere" ...
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Read on to learn how the "Radical Urbanism" exhibition reveals what we can learn from the interventions and ad-hoc, bottom-up initiatives. Also, don't miss Klumpner and Brillembourg's essay, "The Evolution of Radical Urbanism: What Does the Future Hold for Our Cities."...
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