Think, Pair, Share! Cooperative Learning Teaching Techniques …认为,同伴,分享!合作学习的教学方法。 热度: IMPROVING STUDENTS´WRITING SKILL IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT USING VIDEO THROUGH THINK PAIR SHARE METHOD 热度: Think-pair-share 热度: 相关推荐 ©2008SuccessforAllFoundationCOOPERATIVELEARNING|55 ...
2. Think-pair-sharewillbeadoptedbeforeaskingstudentstoanswerthequestions. 3. Present-dayexampleswillbeusedtohelpstudentsunderstandtheissuesandapplytheirknowledge.Yet,theywillberemindedtousehistoricalfactsinthe20thcenturyinexamination. 4. ThediscussioninthischapterwillberelatedtoothertopicsofNSSHistoryorother...
Think, Pair, Share– What can you tell me about acids and bases?– Can you think of some acids and bases that you might find at home?– Are all acids harmful?– What foods that we eat or drink are bases? Can you tell the difference by taste?
Think Pair Share 1doi:10.21274/tadris.2024.12.1.299-318Fauziah, DianRahmawatiHanomiAl-Tadris: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
2015年 8月 Vo1.31 JOURNAL OF CHENGDU NORMAL UNIVERSITY Aug.2015 “Think—Pair—Share’’英语 口语教 学模 式 的实证研 究张颖 (安徽大学 大学外语教学部,合肥 230601)米摘要 :以主动学习理论和合作学习理论为基础,以大学一年级学生为研究对象,尝试在大学英语 口语教学中 引入“Think—Pair—Share”教学模式...
'Think Pair Share'(TPS)是一种高效的教学策略,旨在通过三个阶段——思考(Think)、配对(Pair)和分享(Share)——来促进学生的主动学习、合作能力以及思维与表达能力的提升。在这一策略中,学生首先独立地思考问题或任务(Think),然后两两配对,分享他们的思考结果(Pair),最后以小组或...
Think-pair-share (TPS) is a classroom active learning strategy in which students work on activities, first individually, then in pairs and finally as the whole class. TPS allows students to express their reasoning, reflect on their understanding and obtain prompt feedback on their learning. While...
Students pair up to share thoughts on a problem or question initiated by the instructor. This canbe modified to involve pairs of students exchanging ideas to enrich the discussion. The techniqueis good for generating class discussion and sharing of opinions and ideas.Student Level: Any LevelClass...