Think on Your Feet 作者:Jen Oleniczak Brown 出版社:McGraw-Hill Education 副标题:Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Impromptu Communication Skills on the Job 出版年:2019-11-8 页数:256 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781260457032 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足
Think on Your Feet 作者: Jeremy Kourdi 出版社: Cyan Communications副标题: 10 Steps to Better Decision Making and Problem Solving at Work (Career Makers series)出版年: 2007-07-01页数: 188定价: USD 19.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9781904879541
Think on your feetProvides tips for women on how to develop creativity. Carrying of a small pad and a pen at all times; Jotting down of phrases or ideas thought of; Connecting of fragmentary notes during spare time.Siegel, Alexandra
等5则 1 老外说 think on your feet 不是让你“用脚思考”!这个必须弄清楚!!假如老外跟你说“think on your feet”你会如何理解?“用你的脚趾头想想”?如果你把它理解成催“用脚趾头想想”那可真太可爱了! think on your feet ≠ 用你的脚趾头想想“think on your feet”其实是指“随机应变”遇到某些...
Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook think on your feet think on (one's) feet To be able to think clearly in times of stress, especially when forming a solution to a pressing problem.Thank goodness you were able to think on your feet and find another way to stop the pipe from le...
feetcarosellithinkthomsonmarlenelehl THINKINGONYOURFEETToolstoCommunicateClearlyandConvincinglyMarleneCaroselli,Ed.D.ThisFifty-Minute™bookisdesignedtobe“readwithapencil.”Itisanexcellentworkbookforself-studyaswellasclassroomlearning.Allmaterialiscopyright-protectedandcannotbeduplicatedwithoutpermissionfromthepublisher.Th...
think on your feet 英文解释: to make a quick decision or give an answer quickly 它的含义不是用脚思考,而是迅速做出决定或快速作答(思维敏捷),这个短语适用于各种急中生智的场合。 例句: You have to think on your feet in the job interview. ...
Beth Ann: You shouldn't be on your feet all day when you're expecting, but don't worry. There are plenty of ways a girl in your condition can make a living.待产的女人不该做整天站着的工作,不过别担心,像你这样情况的女孩还是有很多方法谋生的。on one's feet:(某人)长时间站着朗文英语释义...
动词 v. 认为;以为,想· I didn't think he understood your question. 我想他没有弄懂你的问题。 · What do you think of that record? 你觉得那张唱片怎么样? 动词 v. 认为 · They thought the book worth publication. 他们认为这书值得出版。 · He thought it no use trying to convince them....
” Or, “I had a hunch this question might come up. Let me pull out a slide that will clarify the issue.” Having these slides on deck can sidestep needing to think on your feet in the first place – or, at least, leave you more mental space to think and respond quickly...