Benjamin Whichcote (1609–1683), the reputed father of Cambridge Platonism, and Henry Hallywell (1641–1703), a younger member of the group, each preached a sermon series on Philippians 4:8 in which they stressed the necessity of moral virtue as a means to deiformity and participation in ...
Shift+. 降低速度 Shift+, 向后跳过15秒 orJ 播放/暂停 SpaceorK 跳过15秒 orL 弹出播放器 扬声器 Joshua D. Holler 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2023年1月29日 周日服务 Philippians 使徒保羅與腓利比輩書 4:8-9 131231538236240 ...
Lectionary Sermon: Advent 2C 8 December 2024 Luke 3:1-6 Posted on December 4, 2024 by peddiebill Even if we thought the description of John the Baptist doing his thing is sufficiently bizarre to allow it to be set aside as having little to do with modern Christianity, I still suspect...
Anyway, I sat with Wilford and he was quick to make a couple comments about their church facility in comparison with ours, offered a few critiques on how my sermon could have been better, and continued to eat his soup and sandwiches. I had other things to get done that afternoon, so af...
Buoying Trump is Americans’ sense of powerlessness and insecurity. Consider these controversial policies, imposed on disapproving majorities using extra-constitutional means: the Iran deal; the irresponsible and never-debated Omnibus budget; Obamacare; trade promotion; and executive actions and sanctuary-...
People today seem to be intent on getting a rush or living by a rush or seeking a high or a hype. There is such a frenzy and hurry to acquire anything and everything, quickly and before everyone else. Folks run after sales, afraid to miss a deal, wanting to get things done fast or...
I’d like to say I am different now, less focused on what I do and more aware of who I am or, even better, Whose I am. I’d like to say that I experience every day as a gift, and appreciate the little things more because I am more aware of my temporary status in this life...
【1】 The Sermon on the Mount, a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus, for example, lasted hardly more than three minutes. Focus on one topic. We’re human and tend to have lots of thoughts, opinions and ideas. You have to make proper selection. 【2】 Include and expand only...
A Sermon on the Trap of Rightness “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”— Matthew 23:12 Brothers and sisters, let me speak to you today about a trap—not one set by others, but one we set for ourselves. It is not made of ropes or...
Sermon at Saint Brendan’s-by-the-Sea, Warnbro, October 8, 2023 If you would rather listen to Ted preaching this sermon, click on the audio below: The Lord be with you. And also with you. The Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew ...