Most people have relinquished(自愿放弃)control of their brains to CNN, ABC, NBC,“the way things are”, society, drama, negativity and the like. It's time to take back charge of your brain. Get your focus directed. Like Paul said in the bible,“Think on these things. Things that are...
Most people have relinquished control of their brains to CNN, ABC, NBC, "the way things are", society, drama, negativity and the like. It"s time to take back charge of your brain. Get your focus directed. Like Paul said in the bible, "Think on these things. Things that are true, ...
Think on These ThingsI. Meditating on the GoodII. Avoiding the BadIII. Enjoying God's Blessing Reading: Philippians 4Text: Philippians 4:8-9 Sermon ID 61823211145847 Duration 53:10 Date Jun 18, 2023 Category Sunday Service Bible Text 使徒保羅與腓利比輩書 4 #AfternoonService #ImmanuelProtestan...
If there by any virtue,and if there by any praise, think on these things. Phil.4. 1. To light on by meditation. He has just thought on an expedient that will answer the purpose. 2. To remember with favor. Think upon me, my God, for good. Neh.5. To think of, to have ideas...
on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. “Finally”…..Meditate…Think Dwell on these things. (2) Evaluate these things. (3) Consider spending your time on these things. (4) Calculate ...
Think on these things. Devote your life to them so that everyone can see your progress. Pay close attention to your life and your teaching. Persevere
because she did not fly. For God to require people to believe WITHOUT making them born again first and then sends them to hell because they are incapable of believing, is to picture God as monstrous. I have nothing to do with that kind of god. That god is not the God of the Bible....
“Think on these things.” “Put off” the old man and “put on” the new. “Take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.” “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you.” ...
Two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul said, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, whatever is excellent, or worthy of praise, think on these things.” This was Paul’s method of installing POS Version 1.0...
Philippians 4:8 Think On These Things. Philippians 4 Paul’s closing admonitions Stand fast (verse 1) Be of the same mind (verses 2-3) Rejoice in the Lord. Becoming Who God Meant You to Be Week 6 “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!” Psalm 139:14 (NLT) ...