Think on these things. Devote your life to them so that everyone can see your progress. Pay close attention to your life and your teaching. Persevere
Most people either“like”their job,“love”their job or“hate”their job.Everyone wants to make more money regardless of how they feel about their job.The secret to making more money is,focus on adding value.Think less of what you can have or acquire.【1】___ You don’t always have...
God will use these dreams to reveal what the enemy tries to do in our lives. These kinds of dreams help bring a level of awareness of what is going on in the spirit realm and sometimes even what is happening in the natural. What Does the Bible Say About Snakes? There are tons of ...
Finished reading the book, caused me thinking: if someone else into the desert island, will complain about the unfair of god, but he didnt complain, also strong survived. Reading the bible and pray to god every day, with the feelings of gratitude gratitude to god for his blessings. I cant...
When I think about these things, I’m terrified. My whole body trembles. Why do sinful people keep on living? The older they grow, the richer they
前段时间在佛学院进修,早上下面的瑜伽室是有Drop-in classes的,暂住的这段时间中途还出去短徒了一下,回来以后,波兰的瑜伽老师去印度了,就一位阿根廷的老师在职,本身佛学院住着除了上别人的课就是自己代课,除了这些还会跟着我的老师学习冥想和音钵疗愈这些。这段日子非常充实,每天6:30起床洗漱完,自行冥想练习或者参...
–and without any overall plan. Very soon threads of continuity began to emerge, willy-nilly, and those stretch across the screen up at the top, below the butterfly. If you click on those headings, you’ll find an introduction to each strand, with links to posts exploring that strand. ...
My first pass at reading Brother Noel Jeff’s second book of poetry,Walking in Stealth,left me bewildered. I could see the beautiful edifice of the poems, but I felt I was on the outside walking around looking for a way in. These are complex and mysterious poems. Many are in sonnet-...
What you choose to think about and dwell on in this life will make or break you as to what type of person you will end up becoming in this life. Leave it to God the Father to perfectly capture, in one simple one-line sentence from the Bible, the secret to being able to have good...
America was founded by the refuse of the religious fanatics of England, these undesirable elements that came over on the Mayflower. Ignorant, religious fanatics who land here and abuse the Indians. —Frank Zappa 47 Many Texas barbecue fanatics have a strong belief in the beneficial properties of...