Think of me, think of me waking silent and resigned Eb Bb Ab Bm7 Imagine me trying too hard to put you from my mind Cm G7 Cm7 F7 Think of me, please say you'll think of me whatever else you choose to do Eb Cm7 Fm Gm Ab Bb7 Eb There will never be a day when I won't thi...
Think Of Me - Good Riddance --- By: BlacksailsTippa Standard Tuning INTRO : e|---|---| B|---|---| G|---
《Think Of Me》原创钢琴曲谱,器乐,国语歌曲谱,CharlesHart作词 RichardStilgoe作词 AndrewLloydWebber作曲 AndrewLloydWebber演唱(奏) CharlesHart演唱(奏) RichardStilgoe演唱(奏) 来源:词曲网,153***9688上传,上传日期:2022/6/23 21:54:56。这首歌是弹唱版,听
这首歌曲是著名音乐剧《歌剧魅影》(the phantom of opera)中的一首歌曲,一首咏叹调,演唱者为电影女主角克里斯汀。主要抒发对离开恋人的思念与不舍,剧中女主人公在首场独唱中以此歌出现,赢得了满场掌声,同样让自己少时好友(or恋人)劳尔想起来了自己,随后劳尔向其求婚。但是一直深爱克里斯蒂的Phantom很伤心,认为克里斯...
Think of Me-The Phantom of the Opera OST 作曲者: Christine Daaé 表演者: Christine Daaé 改编/制谱: 未知 调号: C调 风格: 歌曲 难度: 初学 类型: 改编 收藏量: 106 热度: 曲谱简介: Think of Me Think of Me is an original soundtrak of The Phantom of the Opera. The Phantom of the Op...
tothinkofme AllIneedtoknow Whenyou'reonyourown Doyoumisswhatmighthavebeen Worlddon'tstopturning Starsdon'tstopfallingdown Inmyworldofmakebelieve Doyoueverthinkofme Wegotdifferentstories Andallourneverendingsnow Eventhoughtyourheartisfree Stillmyheartwon'tletmebe Doyoueverthinkofme Album:HeartFullOf...
Think Of Me(歌剧魅影,Phantom Of Opera) 安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯 River Flows In You(Yiruma.李闰珉First Love) Yiruma.李闰珉 弹友视频 Echo.Angel. 发布了一个钢琴弹奏视频,欢迎 更多视频 作者的其他曲谱 更多 情人 薛之谦 破阵《营业悖论》广播剧第二季 ...
《如果突然想起我 If You Suddenly Think of Me》有关声明 1.站内曲谱歌词均由作者或者网友上传发布以及网上搜集,若无意中侵犯到您的权利,敬请附上相关版权证明材料来信517858@qq.com联系处理。2.站内曲谱如果用于商业用途,请直接与词曲作者联系。3.词曲作者名字以谱面为准。4.词曲作者作品分类,由系统自动进行...
\'tnoticeme ButIthinkofyouwheneverlifegetsmedown Ithinkofyou(Ithinkofyou)wheneveryou\'renotaround Yourestyourbones Somewherefarfrommyhouse Yeah,butyoustillpullmehome 不管人生多么艰险,我都愿与你同行,我的爱只为你 Justtoputyourmindatease Youdon\'towemeanything Youpaidmewellinmemories AndIthinkof...
Why, do you always do this to me? Why, couldn't you just see through me? How come, you act like this Like you 分享43赞 phusker吧 phusker holisticadj.全面的; 整体的; 功能整体性的; 1. The method provides a framework for a holistic consideration of the structure of data. 2. It ...