Thinking in English is a powerful way to build fluency and strengthen vocabulary for real-life situations. So if you’re working on boosting your English skills, why not make your next decision in English? Here we’ll cover six simple steps that help you train your mind to think in English...
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Cambridge Think is an innovative English language learning program designed by Cambridge University Press. It aims to provide learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to communicate effectively in English. The program focuses on developing critical thinking skills, which are essential for success ...
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Note for readers of the second edition: Many links to the domain are no longer active, but if you replace thinkpython2 with thinkpython, they should work. You can buy the second edition at Download Think Python 2e in PDF. Read Think Python 2e in HTML. Exampl...
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Thinkie 3.0 was tested with an iPhone XS and an iPad Air 2. more What’s New Version History Version 1.1 To Thinkie 3 1.1 an explicit Apple ID authorization has been included right at app start. An authorization page pops up. Some user interfaces insert a new button in order to mak...
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