There isn’t a right or wrong about it, and a newspaper doesn’t choose a particular dictionary in an effort to be awkward. It is simply the expression of a crossword series ‘flavour’ and the choice(s) of dictionary are almost as important as the imposition ofXimenean or Libertarianclu...
cluebox, coaster games, codenames, collaborative effort, cooperative, cooperative game, cooperative games, crab fragment games, cracker games, craft, crafts, crimebits, crossword, crosswords, CynAcrostics, Cynthia Morris, czech games, dave shukan, David Kwong, davy jones locker, dead man on the ...
Scagel’s team first trained the dogs to perform basic actions, as is done with any dog, such as instructing them to "spin" or "lay down." Then, they taught the dogs a new cue that eventually became the repeat cue, which is a combination of a hand gesture and a spoken word. They...