Define think back. think back synonyms, think back pronunciation, think back translation, English dictionary definition of think back. Verb 1. think back - recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers" remember remi
Some common synonyms of think are conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, imagine, and realize. While all these words mean "to form an idea of," think implies the entrance of an idea into one's mind with or without deliberate consideration or reflection. I just thought of a good joke When...
Synonyms for thinking nothing in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for thinking nothing. 269 synonyms for think: believe, hold that, be of the opinion, conclude, esteem, conceive, be of the view, anticipate, expect, figure, suppose, imagine, guess. What are synon
think back on[sth]vi phrasal + prep(recall, remember)SCSimplified Chinese记起,想起,回想起jì qǐ,xiǎng qǐ,huí xiǎng qǐ TCTraditional Chinese想起 标题中含有单词 'think back' 的论坛讨论: I don't think I'll be going back to China in the next while. ...
Synonyms: think, cerebrate, cogitate, reason, reflect These verbs mean to use the powers of the mind, as in conceiving ideas or drawing inferences: thought before answering; sat in front of the fire cerebrating; cogitates about business problems; reasons clearly; took time to reflect before de...
call to mindbring to mindthink back toreviewrecollectremembercerebratebe lost in th...rack your bra...cogitateruminateponderregard asdeemreckonestimateconsiderjudgesurmiseforeseeenvisagepresumereckonanticipatebe of the viewconceiveesteemconcludebe of the opi...believethink all verb noun phrase Synonyms fo...
back. 向后;在后;回;回原处;以前;背;背部;背后;后面;后面的;支援 Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (动) As a verb Recapture the past; indulge in memories. Synonyms:remember
think backvi + adv(try to remember)SCSimplified Chinese回想起来huí xiǎng qǐ lái SCSimplified Chinese回忆huí xiǎng qǐ lái,huí yì TCTraditional Chinese回憶 Try to think back: do you recall noticing anything unusual about him?
Synonyms of think transitive verb 1 : to form or have in the mind 2 : to have as an intention thought to return early 3 a : to have as an opinion think it's so b : to regard as : consider think the rule unfair 4 a : to reflect on : ponder think the matter over ...
I do this, can't cause you to trust me? [translate] a(2) Lexical manipulation embraces: (a) reiteration, which means the duplication of synonyms such as “safe and sound”(安然无恙); (b) repetition, which means the repetition of the same word, such as “Harm set, harm get.” (...