About the things you said I heard it from my friends About the things you said Ive never felt so disappointed Never felt so disappointed They know my weaknesses I never tried to hide them They know my weaknesses Thought that you liked them They know me better than that 下载APP 打开 评论 ...
You still love me But we can\'t love each other anymore Can we I don\'t believe in haunted houses 除了你和回忆的钟摆 I wish I hadn\'t said all the things I said 悦听音乐网提供Cody Fry-Things You Said(Instrumental)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Things You Said(Instrumental)的QQ空间背景音乐外链...
Mayfair - Things You Said (纯音乐)
Mayfair - Things You Said (纯音乐加长版)
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《Things You Said》这首歌曲是由Cody Fry与Abby Cates联手演绎的。其悠扬的旋律缓缓流淌,轻柔的吉他声宛如在倾诉内心深处的情感。Cody Fry与Abby Cates的嗓音和谐交融,宛如天使在你耳畔低声细语。他们以温柔且充满感情的歌声,诠释了爱的甜蜜与温馨。而弦乐的融入更是为整首歌曲增添了丰富的层次感,似乎引领着你踏...
红Things You Said 于涧 知我 02:29 无损flac下载 极高mp3下载 标准mp3下载 《红+Things You Said》幸福是用心养的我们每一帧都难忘 宝藏音乐馆 青花 01:19 极高mp3下载 标准mp3下载 爱上了一个人眼睛不说谎 (infp混搭版) 7iv 红&Things you said 02:53 无损flac下载 极高mp3下载 标准mp3下载...
歌名: Things You Said (带和声); 歌手: 希林娜依高,Cody Fry; 分类: 精消原版立体声伴奏; 曲风: 欧美伴奏; 高品质Things You Said (带和声)伴奏,Things You Said (带和声)希林娜依高Cody Fry,Things You Said (带和声)mp3下载,Things You Said (带和声)免费在线变调,Th
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