the fiery verbal self-righteous (and racist) Presbyterian American President Woodrow Wilson (63) who came to the talks determined to forge a political “peace without victory” and left behind a moralistic punitive agreement. The one minimal lesson was that morality, though important in dictating b...
Franklin Roosevelt’s first AG,Homer Cummings, was a political operative first and a not very skillful administrator second.Woodrow Wilsonhad three AG’s, including the infamousA. Mitchell Palmer, architect of thePalmer Raidsthat rounded up, mostly under highly dubious circumstances, various alleged ...
August 29, 1919 At the meeting this morning, there was the usual discussion and gesticulatory machine-gun French on the part of our Latin members, especially after I suggested that the Mission, owing to the attitude of the Roumanians, had accomplished less than nothing since its arrival here...
How far we have come, or better yet how far we have fallen. During decades of Communist rule in the old Soviet Union, skepticism or outright hostility to the leaders in the Kremlin became an article of political faith for American political leaders. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Ronald Re...