《Time With You》自制8D立体环绕音‖用开口跪音色讲述一个温暖回归的故事 04:12 {SJ厉旭}在漂亮的信件里 写下满腔爱意‖SuJu主唱金厉旭OST单曲《Starry night》日巡舞台Live回顾‖你就是那颗星星🌟 04:35 {SJ金厉旭}通往你的蓝色星辰 ‖厉旭自作曲《蓝色星辰The 2nd Story》自制8D立体环绕音‖小王子带来的...
《A Letter in The Wind》自制8D立体环绕音‖治愈微醺感晚安曲 04:28 {SJ李东海}草莓顶的奶黄包快乐小海✔‖SuJu东海SOLO一辑主打曲《California Love》音银舞台回顾‖不转不是移动嘿 04:16 {SJ金厉旭}Fallin U~65宝贝超甜‖自制厉旭日语单曲《恋に落ちて(坠入爱河)》8D立体环绕音‖灵九乖崽 ️ 03...
1. an unspecified or unknown thing; some thing: he knows something you don't; take something warm with you. 2. an unspecified or unknown amount; bit: something less than a hundred. 3. an impressive or important person, thing, or event: isn't that something?. 4. something else a...
Asking what a person needs is often better than diving in with a solution. It’s such an easy habit to fall into, and I need a reminder from my own comics sometimes. Thank you for visiting Thingswithout, I’m so grateful the Things and all their friends came into my life, they ...
"Type" : "letter", "Length": 4 }, "setting3":{ "Setting3":{ "Name": "NSFW", "Onstate": "true", "Offstate": "false" } }, "image":{ "BaseUrl": "foo.bar/image/", "Settings":{ "Answer":"main:image;url", "Extension": ".png" } "Image":{ "Url":"[a]", "Answer...
For me, it all started when the Hurt Male Ego at Lund wrote an Open Letter addressed to Butler (‘Dear Judith, if I may’), posted onhis blog. In it The Hurt Male Ego talked about a ‘Campus War’ and about ‘campus feminists’ as those infringing on his academic freedom. Crucially...
Liz performs a comic, speculative, and non-fiction performance piece, inspired by her zine, Ordinary Madness, a love letter to an unread book, and various short works. Rated PG. Norwesconin Seatac (Seattle/Tacoma airport region), WA, USA, will be the first convention I do in person progr...
另外还要几个常用的拉丁文词组。ad infinitum可直译为to infinity,也就是“无穷无尽,永无休止”。ad-lib一词来自于ad libitum,意思是to one’s pleasure,字面解释是“随兴之所至”,引申为“即兴”。ad literam一词是to the letter,也就是“照字面意义解释、毫不夸大”的意思,相当于英文的literally。
by jmgoyder In Australia, this is both the first day of SpringandFather’s Day. As Ming is now the father of a 2-year-old, I decided to give him a compilation of the 24 articles I wrote about his own toddlerhood. The following is the little letter I wrote to him and glued into...
Building a Vue v2 JS app using Vue-router by @mikestreety Build your own carousel with Vue by @Atom_Hernandez Unit Testing Vue.js Components with the Official Vue Testing Tools and Jest by @alexjoverm Creating Vue.js Transitions & Animation: Live Examples by @udyuxdev [Creating Custom Vue...