We all have problems in our lives. However, most wealthy people are so happy and successful because they take accountability for things in their lives. Most of us are focused on playing the blame game, but wealthy people understand when they are wrong and try to make themselves better for t...
This is easier to do when you have money to pay others to handle them for you or when your finances are relatively uncomplicated. If, for example, the wealthy person has abusiness, he might pay someone to handle specific aspects of the operation that are necessary but produce little or no...
If you’re spending your weekends trying to catch up on the things that didn’t get done, or trying to recover from the workweek in a fog of Netflix binges and overindulgence, you’re doing it wrong. Read on to discover a better way. BY...
This just shows that people with and without money lead very different lives. Recently Reddit useru/amaltheahopeasked others on the platform, "What is something that rich people do that really annoys you?" and everyone immediately started sharing some relatable examples of all the irritating stuff...
He says that 81% of the wealthy keep a to-do list.It is safe to say that one of the things that rich people have is a to-do list. They probably also have a not-to-do list but let’s not speculate.I can totally relate to this as I know what I need to get done every day ...
One of my former coworkers grew up in a wealthy family and married into more wealth, but they decided she should work anyways. She was outside her car crying one day, waiting for her husband to pick her up, saying she couldn’t drive her car because a light was on. My buddy looked...
All successful and wealthy people, before going to sleep, they think about if what are doing has meaning. At the end of each day, they think about how have positively contributed to the world and review if the goals achieved are in line with their overall vision. Thus, they make plans ...
Why be wealthy: three things to do with your money.(Wealth)Why build wealth? If you think wealth will answer all life's questions and make you...By RamseyDave
aThey believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which can't be...
Here are the six things that most wealthy people understand that you should too: 1.Don't throw your money away.Ever notice that people with money can often be the stingiest? If you are cashing a decent sized paycheck every couple of weeks, don't feel obligated to go out and purchase th...