As you travel along Main Street in Bismarck, you’ll eventually stumble upon the oldest building in town, Camp Hancock. Originally known as Camp Greeley, the historic site was created in 1872 to protect garrison troops and railroad workers building the Northern Pacific Railroad. The railroad track...
Things to do around Minot Things to do in Bismarck Things to do in Dickinson Things to do in Brandon Things to do in Beulah Things to do in Mandan Things to do in Williston Things to do in Killarney-Turtle Mountain Things to do in Medora Things to do in Devils Lake Things to do in...
Seventy-nine cents is a great favorite, and 99 is one of the best figures still that we have to sell at, although not so good as it used to be. It will sell, however, 25 per cent. more goods than $1."—Washington Post. This appeared in the Bismarck (ND) Tribune on 5 September...
If you are looking for a dose of Scandinavian heritage look no further than Minot, North Dakota. Located about 110 miles north of Bismarck, Minot is home to the Scandinavian Heritage Association that was established in 1988. Scandinavian Heritage Park. Photo via Wikipedia Bobak Ha’Eri,CC BY ...