(I have enjoyed outlining these general ideas for you, before replying more specifically to your letter on the decline in population that has been evident over the last seventeen or eighteen centuries; I plan to show you, in my next letter, that apart from physical causes there are also mora...
removed robot.php, added symbols and code for control of pins to arduino Apr 27, 2020 scrolls removed discord link, which is now permanently deleted Sep 11, 2021 seeds fixing replication path of thing/seed/page/ Jul 10, 2020 sidamo
Discord has finally come to PlayStation, but unfortunately, the implementation is feature-lite at the moment. So here’s everything I’d like to see implemented on the console, ranked from least to most necessary.
Concord - A Discord API wrapper library written in C. [MIT] website CPPItertools - Range-based for loop add-ons inspired by the Python builtins and itertools library. [BSD-2-Clause] CPP-JWT - JSON Web Token library for C++. [MIT] cpp-lazy - a fast and easy lazy evaluation library ...
Learn from my mistakes! 5 Things I learned making my first iPhone Game, from an indie developer’s perspective.
Okay, maybe that was stretching things too far. Point is, I’m thrilled that so many of you have reached out through various means toaskme why my books aren’t in your local bookshop, but you’reasking the wrong guy.Don’t ask me, I’ve done my part! Your local shop can order ...
This isn’t a new development. I’ve been playing video games for a long time. It’s been a hobby I’ve enjoyed for years. If you’ve been on the site Discord, The Makalay Camp, you’ll definitely have seen the discussions in the game channel aboutStellaris, which holds a place as...
Featured PostbyLi, Renchan (李仁長)Posted inLiterature,Living,SpiritualLeave a comment Buddha sends this angel 李子柒 (Liziqi ) to this world 李子柒, Liziqi – Buddha sends this angel to this world to present humans the beautiful things. ...
Due to the kindness of a group of Australian traveling nurses who adopted me at a hotel in Fiji, I found myself in a traditional village sitting on a mat speaking with a woman about how they blamed Facebook for the increase in marital discord in their country. ...
Cheating has been discussed a lot lately. I'm writing a blog post about it with actual data (mainly, I want to know if there is an actual increase). However, in the many discussions that have ensued both here and on Discord servers, I noticed several recurring misconceptions. I wrote a...