In economics, we learn of a theory called "the tragedy of the commons". It is the idea that individuals act according to their own interests when using a shared resource,not caring about how their actions may affect the resource. Planet Farth is our conmon resource,and humankind has ...
根据文章最后一段第一二三句“In economics,we learn...humankind has already done ghastly things to it”(在“公悲理论”里,在使用一个共享资源时, 个体只会从自己的利益出发而不关注他们的行为如何影响共享资源。正是如此, 人类对地球, 我们共同的资源, 进行了可怕的破坏。)所以, 在使用一辆共享单车时, ...
·I have a passion for traveling and exploring new places.I have traveled to 19 countries across four continents.I aspire to visit all of the continents, particularly ones where the wonders of the world are located. ·If I hadn’t majored in economics,my dream would have been to become an...
B-schools may rarely interact with students in other academic disciplines at the same university. Next:Bolster admission chances at top MBA programs. 14/17 Credit Bolster admission chances at top MBA programs. Learn how to identify global universities that excel in teaching econo...
view as article 2. many are launched with universities. because edx and coursera partner with top universities to develop moocs, students learn from distinguished professors, adding to moocs' legitimacy, experts say. "these are faculty members who have taught online, who have taught in many cases...
December 11, 2024MiscControversial,Digital Bricks,Economics,Op-Ed,Opinion,Politics Don’t misunderstand. Those quote marks are doing alotof heavy lifting. Oh, and this is an absolute firestorm of a political post, so fair warning. I’ve had an interesting chain of experiences this last year. ...
Okay, so one of the best things to do before you graduate college is to speak with a professor who is not in your major. The benefits? You will learn awesome life lessons and you may even unlock a window of opportunity to take on a second major or gain a new perspective on a differ...
Focuses on Neil Wallace back in the 1970s as a research consultant at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and professor of economics at the University of Minnesota. Suggestions by Wallace; Comments from Rao Aiyagari,...
In school they tell you your paper must be a minimum of five pages long. In the real world you have five seconds to catch someone’s attention before they’re bored and move on. “Learn enough from history to respect one another’s delusions.” - Will + Ariel Durant ...
“Learn how to write well.” 不论你申请文科还是理科,不论你未来是一名律师、营业员或是医生,你都要学会将复杂的想法、生活的思绪用简单、直接、平实的句子表达出来。 不夸张地说,良好的写作功底会让你的申请和大学生活事半功倍。 你可以更快地写出深刻且动人的文书; ...