7 things to know before getting your IUD removedJanaki Jitchotvisut
1. First things first: Know why you set up an appointment. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends girls have their first ob/gyn appointment between the ages of 13 and 15, with a yearly wellness visit after that. You might have specific things to bring up ...
I thought I would drop you a little note to let you know about a project that I have recently uploaded. This is my first attempt at using ChatGPT to translate a Latin text that I have been wanting to read for many years. It is Marius Mercator’s “Commonitorium de Coelestio”/”Com...
Blaze of Glory means that a dying character can succeed at any one action before they die. (By the rules as written, Blaze of Glory gives you a bonus to any skill rolls; I instead treat it as an automatic success, because I can’t imagine anything more dispiriting and frustrating than ...
The scientific community still doesn’t know exactly why some people get endometriosis. Research has found some factors that can put you at higher risk for getting it. These include if a close family member has it, if your period started before you were 11, if your menstrual cycle is shorte...
do not know Latin but I am familiar enough with Pelagianism (having studied it intensely for several years) to know what to expect and from that perspective the output text was pretty much what I expected. To my knowledge this has never been available in English before. I have put it up...