Things to Know Before Buying a House Before you make the commitment of buying a house, you should ensure you are making an informed decision, and not one based on how beautiful the home is or your desire to be on your own. Your Financial Situation ① ___ On the other hand, if you ...
so being fooled by RT shouldn’t be an issue if you’re looking only at traditional PC form factors. Keep an eye out if you’re considering a “hybrid” that switches between laptop and tablet form factors, however, or if you’re buying a Windows tablet with plans to pick ...
which may inadvertently drive people away from buying a home in an HOA neighborhood that they might’ve otherwise loved living in. There are certainly some disadvantages to HOAs, but the downsides aren’t as clear-cut as you might think. ...
Unfortunately, the only way to know whether a mouse is comfortable is to use it for an extended period, which is challenging without buying one. As with all computer peripherals, research your device before purchasing it. If you don't use the mouse for extended periods, you can let aestheti...
there’s no turning back. From solid processors that cost under $25 to affordable ECC memory sticks, it’s possible to save a lot of money when buying outdated server-grade parts. But if you’ve spent as much time tracking good server PC deals as I have, you may have come across some...
Things to know before buyingBill Rumbler
opportunity for road trips and travel on your own terms, there’s nothing like your first set of wheels. But even if it’s not your first car, knowing what to do before buying a new one is equally important. Below are five things you should know so you can make the best decision ...
doesn't need to be very large. A computer monitor is much closer to the user; a larger magnitude of bending will result in a better viewing experience. The 1800R curvature is the so-called “gold standard curvature," and is emphasized by many brands as such when it comes to comput...
RELATED: Inside the Remarkable Coat Closet of a Vintage Clothing Retailer Here are eight things watch collectors Dan Tanenbaum, Jeremy Ong, Pedro Mendes and Kat Shoulders and Katlen Schmid say you need to know before buying a watch. 1. Do your research To talk shop about watch specs, learn...
Still, the jump from a traditional QWERTY keyboard to an ergonomic keyboard can be a big one. It's important to know what ergonomic keyboards can do, what they can't do, and weigh the pros and cons before you go out and buy one. ...