What you should add to your resume depends on various factors, such as your level of experience, whichresume formatyou pick, and your desiredresume length. Let’s explore the details. Skip to1:24to hear Eva Chan, a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), talk about what to put on a...
“, that put together a heat map that tracked the eye movements of 30 recruiters. Pretty interesting article, but what I’m here to share with you today is the 6 basic things you should absolutely, positively, without a doubt include on your resume, to make the most of those ’6 ...
Which resume sections are a must? Which to leave off? Where do you put what?Well, the first thing to put is your mind at ease. In this resume guide, you’ll learn: What to include on a resume, where to add it, and what not to include. ...
The 10 Worst Things to Put on Your ResumeEggers, Kelly
Top 10 things to include on your resume Every hiring manager looks for different things on resumes, but there are many areas of commonality. Your resume is all about you. Put your best foot forward and give it the time and preparation needed to make you the person the reader n... J Su...
Gone are the days when it was required to include your entire mailing address on your resume. So, your street address is one of those things that should not be on your resume. It's just not necessary at this stage of the recruitment process, takes up extra space, and can be considered...
9 things you should always include on your résuméÁine Cain
Read Next 7 Ways to Stay Healthy as a New Working Mom Resumes can make or break a job application: everyone knows this. But have you ever considered, while you were heaping your various accomplishments and experience onto your resume, if you should actually be focusing on what not to tel...
a job; they want the résumé to tell them why they should want you. If you're going to include a statement at the top, make it a personal summary that acts as a condensed version of your elevator pitch. It should touch on your top skills and any major achievements worth highlighting....
1. Include Your Resume and Cover Letter Include an up-to-date cover letter (letter of intent) and a resume in your teaching portfolio. Make extra copies for interviews; this is a veritable game-changer! In thecover letter and resume, you have a golden opportunity to state your case and ...