Yup, that isn’t going to help push me over 1000 miles. And the preceding and following months both were very low. I had forgotten that high hamstring tendonitis had taken me out of running for a spell, and I was using those three months to recover and rebuild. Recovering and rebuilding...
You can get well! I help women to achieve healthy thyroid functionin my practice andcourses. In most conventional medical practices, you may have to advocate for yourself in the doctor’s office to get the testing you need. Afunctional medicine,integrative medicine, ornaturopathicdoctor will usua...
My body has now entered rehab mode. My gluteus tendonitis, which is an office injury, means that circus is, for now, off the table. So I am giving my body time to heal and what better than yoga to help the process? Add all the much needed mind benefits and there I was, with a ...
11.A pair ofcompression glovesthat may help relieve some muscle and joint pain caused by arthritis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel, and similar conditions, so you can type that novel or crochet that scarf without all the ouchies. www.amazon.com ...