Then earlier this year, I got a kidney stone. A simple kidney stone, I thought, “Ok, no problem people get these all the time.” Well, mine was a giant boulder, and it stuck in my ureter. This led to multiple procedures to remove it, exchange stents, and assess the damage. Sudden...
As Above So Belowby Highly Suspect:I think I have to put this one as number one for a couple of reasons. First, I had never gotten into this band beforeat all.I’d heard of them but knew absolutely nothing about them. So falling in love with this record was totally unexpected. Every...
Florida is a unique state home to some of the world’s most popular theme parks and beaches, but also some of the country's most incredible and rare nature. Naturally, there are a TON ofthings to do in Orlando,... seeing as Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios Orlando, and Sea...
Then you can always try getting a collector’s tin full of their world-renowned biscuits or a decadent assortment of their finest teas (PSST: If you can’t go all the way to London to try some of their amazing teas, then you can alwaysorder some of their Royal and Breakfast blend teas...
Chris isn’t even trying to shirk responsibility for his mistakes. He admits to them fully and yet these people look at him with his hand out asking for assistance and not only refuse to help, they kick him when he is down. They deride him and call him names. All this because of law...
 Guess what? I actually got to finish some things I started.  I actually got to help people when they needed my help.  The slower rate of incoming email actually had me checking less, and spending more time on tasks.
which always looks cool from the water. There he finds his sister sitting in his father’s chair. Yara, still looking bloated, is not exactly excited to see him after her failed rescue in season 4. He apologizes and cries. Says he doesn’t want to be king and offers to help her get...
s ebook readers stack up—and which one might be right for you. brenda stolyar the 6 best sunrise alarms to help you rise and shine if you want to wake up with the sun but aren't a morning person, these bedside devices can simulate a sunrise whenever you want to rouse for the day...
The fictitious island, usually defined as 1 meter square, is often used in mapping software as a placeholder to help find and correct database entries that have erroneously been assigned the coordinates 0,0. Although Null Island started as a joke within the geospatial community, it has become ...
David was doing well and was getting the information he needed. As an added note, when I called my Uber at the very end of the night, Walt stayed with me and made sure I was safe, even though he had stayed late already and was struggling with a kidney stone. What an incredib...