vote on everything Watchworthy Weird History Graveyard Shift Total Nerd Gaming Unscripted Lifestyle Music Sports #2 Back to School on The Funniest Movies About College #6 American Pie Presents: Beta House on The Best Movies About Fraternities...
1. Making sure your roommate will be gone. And not just "maybe gone," or "going to the dining hall for half an hour and when I get back I expect you not to be having sex in our room." 2. Or at the very least, making sure your roommate is sleeping. But don’t do this, bec...
Another one of Rosalie’s victims, Anne-Marie, has escaped the lesbian pet tamer and hidden herself in her dorm room. No way does Anne-Marie want to lose herself to submission to become a sex pet! However, she may not have a choice. Rosalie the Lesbian Stalker will never stop stalking...
You guessed it, this list ranks the douchiest dorm room decor. Whether you were a math major or studying physical education, there was one common factor in your on campus life: You had some incredibly lame stuff in your dorm room. But it’s okay! Everyone is allowed to be kind of a ...
Seeing your own O-face is probably some Ark of the Covenant-level shit. 4. Condoms ... condoms everywhere. What is the appropriate number of condoms for someone to have in their bedside table? Is there such a thing as too many or too little? Is it better to have an open box (...
Have a library card, and you can read as many good books as possible in the library. Make it a weekly trip to the library. You can save a lot of money.One of the best ways to develop a good reading habit is to put it on your blog. If you don’t have one, create one. It’...
Jamie Stockwell
The idea for PEELAWAYS started out in small dorm room at the University of Arizona. They couldn’t help but notice how few students washed their sheets and how much time went between washes. PEELAWAYS became a pet project, eventually creating a sheet that doesn’t have to be washed at al...
You don’t have to buy everything at Target tohave a homey dorm room. Bring small things from home and put them in plain sight to have something familiar to wake up to in the morning. Hang up pictures, plug in your diffuser, and put your books on the shelves; don’t be afraid ...
There are many ways you can plan ahead to make this a memorable moment. You may want to make sure the two of you can be alone or at least have a private moment together. If your house or dorm room is too packed to make this happen, what about investing in a hotel room? It might...