Florida is a unique state home to some of the world’s most popular theme parks and beaches, but also some of the country's most incredible and rare nature. Naturally, there are a TON ofthings to do in Orlando,... seeing as Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Studios Orlando, and Sea...
married, produced offspring as long as human (okay, maybe an occasional pet too). Most of us are transplants in this area or a local looking to connect with the interlopers. Come join us for happy hours, arts, cultures, fun, outdoors, fitness, cuisine, live music, did I mention happy...
INK. Imagine a town, with a post office, pizza joint, court house and more…all pint size and perfect for small kids. TheInteractive Neighborhood for Kids, also known as INK, is ahands-on museumin Gainesville that even has alife-size plane and firetruckthat you can climb in!
5 Natural Springs in North & Central Florida You've Gotta Try This: A Florida Adventure at Ginnie Springs Greektown Tarpon Springs Named to National Register as Historic Town A Guide to Gainesville's Attractions: Outdoors, Culture & Food ...