from locked room tech thrillers to religious horror in apocalyptic convents, this winter’s reading followed haunted ghostwriters, grief-stricken parents, obsessive artists, and unhinged Victorian governesses through their dark tales. And
This condo-by-the-week thing is something we got into when still in Idaho and a local place (new) had a sales pitch we could not refuse. In 1988, with the move to CWU, we went from a semester to a quarter system, couldn’t use the week as intended, and began trading it. Then...
Scott Brown, in theSenate for the first time since 1972. The analysis, based on Election Day polling by respected Democratic pollster Peter Hart, is worth reading in the context of the president’s State of the Union tonight. That speech, in many ways...
I hope you all have some fun things planned tonight. We’re heading up to my parent’s house for their annual New Year’s Eve party in a bit. Very fun. As 2012 is coming to a close, I realize there are many things I never got to blog about!! If you recall, I took a 2 mont...