These divorces are characterized by four-way meetings, in which you and your spouse meet, with each of your attorneys present, tonegotiate the terms of the divorce. You will also meet separately with your own attorneys in order to discuss matters that are important to you. Learn more about ...
Plus, there are a lot of expenses not covered by the basic Washington state child support schedule that you and your spouse will need to discuss and decide how they’ll be paid. That's why the best way to come to a fair agreement and ensure your children get the financial support they ...
As a parent getting a New York divorce, your children are bound to be your number one concern. And theyshouldbe. You love your kids and want the world for them. So now that you're facing divorce, how do you make sure they get the financial support they need to live healthy and happ...
And if you’ve come here to learn about queuing waterfowl, I apologize for the confusion. You may want to discuss your question with Lester, my loyal watchduck and self-proclaimed “advisor’s advisor”.