However, the rest of the time it sits on a shelf in the garage looking – well…forlorn. There must be something else to do with it, but until I started doing a little research, I was lost. What else can this thing do besides cook rice? How do I use a rice cooker? First, let...
My son, Matt, needs a bone marrow transplant. If you or anyone you know will consider being tested as a possible donor, please seethis site, and you can find where to be tested. He is biracial, and we know that African Americans have a much lower likelihood of finding a match. Pleas...
I have made it for years beginning when I was a teenage short-order cook. The version at that café was homogenized so finely that it looked like – well, let’s just say it was not appetizing. BUT it kept well for a week on the shelf in the walk-in. To my way of thinking, in...
An Instant Pot is a pressure cooker, slow-cooker, rice cooker, and yogurt maker all in one package. Here's everything you need to know before you buy it, including where to buy it, how to use it, and if it's worth it.
So i had time to cook some nice meals. As the BF is working from home, he always appreciates a nice lunch. I made japanese inspired roasted bellpeppers with rice, pasta with leeks and minced meat, a big pot of lentil soup, using up some parmesan rinds to cook into the soup. Friday...
I have finally figured out the perfect way to cook quinoa — and I have The Kitchn to thank for that. I’ve usedthis methoda few times and every time it results in the perfect, fluffy batch of quinoa. Quinoa is so much better when cooked properly, by the way. ...
To make this more convenient, I make up 6 batches of this at a time in individual zip lock bags or mason jars that I store in the freezer. Pull out a baggie/jar, mix up the dry ingredients with a fork, add the oil and water and you’re ready to cook. ...
1.Aninsulated stainless-steel tumblerdesigned to keep your drinks cold (ICE cold!) for — you're gonna want to sit down — up to 30 hours. Yep, you read that right. No more lukewarm drinks for you, even if you get distracted and forget about them until 3 p.m. ...