forcing the driver to stop repeatedly and get out to clear it. Each time the door opened, Mary suffered a gust ofsub-zeroair. She had abrainwave: why not make some kind of a rubber blade that could be operated from ...
forcing the driver to stop repeatedly and get out to clear it. Each time the door opened, Mary suffered a gust ofsub-zeroair. She had abrainwave: why not make some kind of a rubber blade that could be operated from inside the vehicle?
Pringles were introduced in 1967 by Procter & Gamble as potato chips that would not break or get crushed in a typical bag. Years of research went into designing Pringles’ shape and can, and more years were put into developing its flavor. Sales of Pringles picked up in the 1980s once the...
Pringles were introduced in 1967 by Procter & Gamble as potato chips that would not break or get crushed in a typical bag. Years of research went into designing Pringles’ shape and can, and more years were put into developing its flavor. Sales of Pringles picked up in the 1980s once the...
Interestingly, innovation was in her blood: her grandfather had invented the steamboat. Need something to do while the dishwasher is whirring away? How about a round of Monopoly? One of the most popular board games around, the rules were first drawn up by a lady called Elizabeth Magie, ...
You may also like:100 iconic photos that capture 100 years of world history 1941: General Mills creates Cheerios Canva 1941: General Mills creates Cheerios General Mills invented the cereal now known asCheeriosin 1941. Originally called “CheeriOats,” the cereal’s distinctive doughnut-shape was ...
1832: Anelectromagnetic telegraphwas created by Baron Schilling in Russia, and in 1833 Carl Friedrich Gauss and Wilhelm Weber invented their own code to communicate over a distance of 1200 m within Göttingen, Germany. 1844: Samuel Morse sends the first morse code public telegraph message "What...
In fact, soon everyone was singing like that. I’m talking about masters like John Prine and Bruce Springsteen. I’m talking about guitar hacks like me. Bob Dylan encouraged (i.e. gave courage to) us all to discern what was blowin’ in the wind in times that were truly a-changin’....
DEBRA_LIDAN@163.COM Read Hot News • Learn Hot Words 读热点新闻 学热门词汇 这些"法国货"原来不是法国产的 These 'French' things weren't actually created in France French fries, French kiss and French braid — these things tagged with the word French were not actually invented in France. ...
People who pride themselves on the scientific way of distinguishing between things that are real and things that are unsubstantiated (imaginary, invented, spurious) usually draw a firm line between facts that have been, and can be, demonstrated by experiment or predicted to happen in prescribed ...