Consolex - Consolex is a tool that allows you to attach a web based console to any mix project. dragonfly_server - Elixir app to serve Dragonfly images. ExChat - A Slack-like app by Elixir, Phoenix & React(redux). Exon - A “mess manager” developed in Elixir and provides a simple...
Estate planning is putting your affairs in order so that your loved ones are taken care of if you die or are incapacitated. A will is an essential piece of the plan. So are lists of your assets and obligations, with details of all open accounts. Make sure you record your beneficiaries o...
Functional component names start with a lower-case letter and are camel-cased. Declarative Application Tier components start with applicationName_ComponentName. Since the name of my sample app is Friends With Beer, I’ve abbreviated the app name to FWB. Therefore, FWB_BeerSelector, FWB_BeerContac...
“Talk about it with the custodian ahead of time,” says Tully. “Plans are great, but only as far as the ability to have them properly implemented.” The problem is that a mistake, or bad advice, made on the part of the custodian can create difficulties for the beneficiaries, and the...
Selling stock photos can be a great way to make money online for those with some passion and talent in photography. You just upload your edited images, then you earn a royalty whenever the image is purchased. The most profitable area of focus is images that can be used in advertising, as...
And now, you canfreely drag around your previewin Edit View, comes in handy if you have many styles or a bit too much text in Edit View. Simply click and drag it with your mouse, it’s that easy: Color and images In the Layers palette, you can choose between availablecolor layer ty...
Today I’m sharing a hilarious misadventure with computer generated images, but I’ll save that for the end. First some blog business. I hope you enjoyed my Christmas in July blog hop/challenge. My last post for the event was on Thursday. However, I’ve left it open to bloggers who ...
vue-letter-avatar - A simple and elegant letter avatar component for vue.js vue-highlightjs - Syntax highlighting with highlight.js v-clipboard - Simple, tiny and easy to use directive to save your models to clipboard (less than 2kb minified, no dependencies) vue-invisible-recaptcha - Super...
A lot of that had to do with how unprepared I was for how big the leap was between having one kid and two. The rest of it comes from how impossible you have been to predict. Every time I think I have you figured out, you shift the mark. I look back now at the letter I wrote...
On November 9, Joyce painted an alphabet in black paint on the living room wall, with each letter matching a bulb in a string of Christmas lights. Though the alphabet wall was not visible to Will[8], it helped Joyce and Will to communicate, likely due to the gold particles appearing ...