There is a dark side to all this, though: dogs cannot tell when they have had enough sunlight and leave themselves prone to dehydration. This can be tricky for owners, as we’re never quite sure how to react. What do we do is we suspect that our dog is dehydrated but won’t drink?
React in an emergency. Even little kids can dial 911, but by 12, your kid should be able to locate a first aid kit and administer some very basic first aid; use the fire extinguisher, and calmly douse a grease fire with the pan’s lid or a box of baking soda—never water. Zero ...
“My dearest Annie, congratulations on completing your quest. You now have in your possession all of the recipes that made me a success. With it comes the business that I’ve built. I hope you’ll accept it and carry my dream into the future. Love, Granny. P.S. Look on the bottom ...
Good for you if you do, but not everyone lives in a palace with all these extra beds and toilets, so it may not be possible. My point is that we have become super casual about sickness, as if 4 inches of space and super-high thread-count sheets is enough of a quarantine. Frankly ...
Our lives have changed a lot in the last 40 years. Somehow though, some things just stay with us. Last week I was at the pharmacy waiting for a prescription to be filled. As I waited, I started to aimlessly walk around the store looking at things that were in the aisles that I had...
When I looked down at people working under me, how I reacted in a stressful situation which it happens all the time, how perhaps my cheesy jokes won’t land as stupid jokes but hurtful ones, et cetera, et cetera. On my way home I was still thinking about it. I’m living with a ...
Many people don’t realize that they’re allergic to certain foods, and as a result, they continue to eat them, unaware of their damage to their skin. If you have a food allergy, your body reacts to certain proteins in the food you eat. Food allergies can cause many symptoms, includin...
” he says. “When you consider that a whopping 85% of American households are estimated to have hard water, you can see why so many people have problems with soap scum.” A better choice, he says: non-soap detergents, which are made from synthetic compounds that won’t react with ...
My personal involvement in this line of work began when Jim suggested writing the Marg family history as a present to my parents on their 55thwedding anniversary. I thought that was a great idea, but I didn’t know how my parents would react. They’re both reticent people, not comfortable...
and so zinc became the main ingredient. Today’s pennies are only about 2.5% copper. The rest is zinc. The problem is that zinc doesn’t react as nicely with slight acids like vinegar. So, for your newer pennies, all you gotta do is grab a pencil with an eraser and start erasing. ...