Look at your annual expenditures, which should include all the necessities and all the nice-to-haves. Multiply that by how many years you will expect to live, and that’s your number. For example, if you can live on $100k a year and expect to live another 30 years, then $3 million ...
the polynomial doesn’t depend on the ordering of the parts or the specific choice of elements in each part, so we just need to sum over all partitions of each integerm≤nand multiply each polynomial that occurs by the number of ordered partial partitions corresponding to that particular intege...
“‘Networking Always Beats Not Working!’ This holds true whether we are looking for a job or not. By focusing on building mutually beneficial relationships, we open up greater exposure, and that leads to greater opportunities. Networking isn’t easy for many, until they experience the doors ...
As a last resort, I relinquished to them an obscenely heavy old trough that I'd found, half-buried, as a flower bed in the back yard. They still used the trough as a pool on the hottest days, but it was too heavy to tip over, and they couldn't displace all of the water out o...
If the heir has an IRA of his or her own that could be converted, and there are only enough other funds for paying tax to enable the conversion of one account or the other, the IRA should be converted rather than the QRP. This is because the IRA has a much better chance for long-...
Calculate the time lost by anyone who has gotten a virus on their computer, multiply that by the estimated number of computers infected, and add a lot of time for aggravation and that is the amount of time they should spend in prison. No parole. No computer access. And they have to ...
Assuming you can do some basic math, it seems that all you’d have to do is multiply the percentage in the table above with the net income number you came up with in step one and you’d be all set. Right? I hate to break it to you, but it’s not that simple. Not even close...
The hardware implementation of DT with 8 trees depth requires 257× fewer MAC (multiply–accumulate) operations compared to an 8-layer CNN and 43× fewer MAC operations compared to a 5-layer CNN. This reduction in MAC operations results in a lower area and power consumption implementation [28...
Code that locks up the UI for seconds at time? Code that pegs the CPU or thrashes the disk?Don't do it. Instead, stand up and pledge along with me:"I promise I will not ship slow code. Speed is a feature I care about. Every day I will pay attention to the performance of my ...
sort of Qur’anically-derived religious law—and 86% of those say that there should be a death penalty for converts, for people who leave Islam. Now, that’s about 60% of folks when you multiply those two—64% that—when you multiply those two together. Now, that’s a troubling poll...