5 things that can happen to your body when you stop drinking alcoholGianluca Russo
In these moments, I have to remind myself that recovery isn’t just about not drinking; it’s about remembering that I am first and foremost responsible for advocating for my own well-being and boundaries. While you may not wish for this scenario to happen, for there to not be attention...
NO.1: You don’t have a goal. A lot of time we find ourselves struggling through a day-to-day routine that isn’t getting us anywhere because we don’t know where we want to go. Sometimes we had goals when we set ourselves on a particular path,but we’ve changed along the way ...
Now that I’ve had 75% of you exit out of this tab faster then when you see a “WARNING – VIRUS”/pop-up ad due to my senseless drivel, I suppose we can move on to the less sarcastic, more sub-optimal content filled portion of the post. This blog post is all about the JSA D...
Do I live to climb or climb to live, someone asked me once. In years past I would without hesitation have to say I live to climb but as the years move on and other life choices happen that answer isn’t so obvious anymore.
However, it’s impossible to know the exact moment that ovulation will occur. To maximize your chances, you might need to have intercourse within 7-20 days of the cycle. (10) The highest pregnancy rates can happen within 4 to 6 hours of ovulation. (10) All About Men’s Fertility Parts...
They look store-bought, but when did that happen. They sling a bomb into the storm. It doesn’t work. They duct tape two together. No dice. Finn: “Even the sharks are tougher in New York.” Quadruple bomb! Me: “Was Vivica A. Fox’s thong just showing?” ...
As a college professor, I can attest to the surprisingly positive things that can happen when students end up at the school they never planned on attending! Heather says: February 3, 2020 at 1:46 pm It is so darn dark here up in the Upper Left. Thanks for the reminder “What is ...
Yes, I was seven years old when my family disintegrated, and I became an orphan. My mind was numb for a long time. I relived that horrible experience over and over. Even as a child, I kept waiting for something to happen, for somebody to return. It never felt real. I never shared...
“You know how when you’re trying to avoid something? Telling yourself ‘I must steer clear of that’ – It ends up kind of making you do it” Says the barber, scissors snapping in the air. I walk out down Bond St. The business end of the Monopoly board Trying to buy a hotel Sh...