Blender Guru: Blender Tutorial for Complete Beginners Blender Basics Game console tutorial First I convert the video to FullHD: $ ffmpeg -i input_video_4k.mp4 -vf scale=1920:1080 -c:a copy output_video_1080.mp4 Then...
Here is a preview of a wattpad cover I am working on that is similar to the first poster from Stranger Things: What do you think? @v_kyr @AffinityJules @carl123 @firstdefence @iconoclast Butler, dannyg9, j3rry and 2 others 5 Quote Replies 160 Created 1 yr Last Reply A...
I loved the video about freezing peaches and plan to do the same. I have definitely been guilty of freezing them in one big block. I was wondering what your thoughts were about using Fruit Fresh or something similar? When I have frozen peaches in the past, they turned brown and not very...
I like tying it around my neck to go outside or just wrapping it around my shoulders to keep warm inside. It’d be a great scarf to keep on the back of your desk chair at work. (I think these similarautumn plaidorivory plaidscarves are also pretty.) Rubber Twist Ties: These reusabl...
vue-cbsc - A Vue.js 2.x component for programmatically blender, shader and convert colors. vue-spatialnavigation - Vue directive (Vue.js 2.x) for spatial navigation (keyboard navigation) vue-lifecycle - A Vue.js lifecycle directives. WebGL vue-3d-model - A 3D model viewer in Vue componen...
The mini Shop-Vac came in at about 82 dB, comparable to a garbage disposal or blender. While this setup is far from laboratory-like conditions, the measurement from the Fein vacuum at 68 dB did match well with vacuum cleaner noise levels. After performing this test I found advertising ...
杰克逊洞麋鹿角拱, 怀俄明, 毗邻怀俄明州的大提顿国家公园. 市中心公园其他角落的拱门和类似拱门是这个滑雪胜地最受欢迎的旅游景点. 来自Carol M的原始图像. 海史密斯’(Elk-antler arch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, adjacent to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. This and similar arches on other corners ...
The model was built in Blender and refined with several tests using Ken’s 3D printer to ensure the eventual fit of the final parts. Test parts to refine fit Here’s one of the test prints that shows a servo inside an enclosure that served as the model for all the servo housings. The...
One step cooker and blender for making baby food Dishwasher safe, blades are easy to clean Nutritious food ready in 10 minutes 15. Earth Mama Diaper Balm Prevent your newborn from nappy rash,bug bites, burns, cuts and other skin issues by applying the organic Diaper Balm by Earth Mama. It...
I ran two sets of tests, one set on 23 files ranging from 1-5 minutes in five genres: animation, office, 30 fps sports, 60 fps sports, and general entertainment. The other set of tests was on two files about 12 minutes long; complete versions of Netflix’s Meridian and Blenders’ ...