Michael "Mike" Wheeler, portrayed by Finn Wolfhard, is a main character in Stranger Things. The leader of the Party, he is the boyfriend of Eleven, the best friend of Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, and Max Mayfield, and the younger brother of Nancy Wheeler. In 1983, whe...
even the hilariously shitty ones, means that people who don’t want to wade through dry and jargon-heavy criticism just to understand what the hell this film was trying to accomplish will find useful and probably new information.
even the hilariously shitty ones, means that people who don’t want to wade through dry and jargon-heavy criticism just to understand what the hell this film was trying to accomplish will find useful and probably new information.
“One God, that I can understand; but one wife? That is not civilized” For these two films, I and a newcomer to Pop Art, Sammy Juliano (author of Paradise Atop the Hudson, Irish Jesus of Fairview, and other novels), discuss two films revolving around revenge. Sammy and I especially ...
It’s the very definition of “twee,” but Noah Baumbach pulls it off, and with the help ofd Greta Gerwig, lead character Frances becomes a fully-developed, completely compelling character whose world you understand completely. It’s sweet, funny, and so painfully identifiable that it will bri...
I understand that they think i will go to school if it means i will get all my devices back but ill only go to school if i get them back before. i need to text my friends at school to tell them what's happening. theyre getting really worried about me and angry at me and i ...
An important thing to understand about all raids in WOW (particularlyVanilla) is that each player could enter each one only a single time each week. This was called the lockout. Once you became “bound” to a raid ID for the week that was your instance until next Tuesday. This meant tha...
Truth like this needs to be preserved at least long enough after the eco-collapse so that the aliens tracking our progress as a species will understand what exactly went wrong.As I considered these bizarrely flippant cartoons, I was reminded of a piece of my childhood. When I was a little...
Mike followed him outside where he tried to make Will understand, stating they were growing up and they could not spend the rest of their lives playing games in the basement. This had the opposite effect, causing Will to leave and seek the shelter of Castle Byers. Realizing that the ...