(Bentonite), and a host of other hard-to-pronounce substances that most people would never be interested in consuming by themselves. When these materials are mixed in to wine they slowly fall down to the bottom. Along the way though, they do some work at the molecular level of which the...
imageBROKER.com/Alamy Stock Photo When I think of pubs in New York, I think of dark dingy bars where a fight is always brewing. I don’t drink alcohol, so, when I first moved to the UK, I avoided the pubs for about a year. After numerous invites, I eventually gave in....
imageBROKER.com/Alamy Stock Photo When I think of pubs in New York, I think of dark dingy bars where a fight is always brewing. I don’t drink alcohol, so, when I first moved to the UK, I avoided the pubs for about a year. After numerous invites, I eventually gave in. To my...