core-server - Highly scalable VueJs framework with an integrated API system, and multiple advanced features. discord-logo - A Vue.js animated discord logo generator based on SVGs. (Github Page) node-vue-template - A starter template for building complete application using Node.js (API) and ...
Static Titles- Provide two options to avoid the network traffic when retrieving URL titles. SSL for SSL- Generates SSL short links if the original link was SSL. Swap Short URL- A plugin to havehttp://sho.rt/blahwhile having YOURLS installed inhttp://sho.rt/yourls/ ...
with. This article introduces the concept of calendar conversion in Java, and the issues that need to be dealt with when performing such conversions, by building a handler for the Discordian calendar and investigating the mappings between months in the Gregorian calendar and the Discordian seasons...
vue-vuex-todomvc - Example TodoMVC Vue.js app with Vuex store and server backend via REST and full set of E2E tests using test runner. X-WebDesktop-Vue - The WebDesktop system based on Vue Skeleton Vue+TypeScript - TypeScript, VueJS, ElementUI, Vue Router, Vuex, Material Ic...
I have Sonos here, in part to visually remind me, “Hey, remember music? You can play it sometimes.” I still forget. Slack is… well, you know what it is. Opposite Slack is Discord, which, in my brain, is quite specifically not-Slack, so this makes sense. Puzzmo! I really like...
However, sensing and data collection over the network is the main function of using IoT devices. Therefore, all of the reviewed studies used IoT devices to collect data from their surroundings and then send them to the server for further analysis and interaction. The IoT devices used in the ...
Last summer, as the world was emerging from the era of social distancing, I found myself drawn into an unexpected obsession: smoking. I joined BBQ groups on Facebook, Discord, and Reddit. I leveraged these communities for learning, recipes, answers, advi
main 2Branches0Tags Code README CC0-1.0 license Awesome Deno Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust. This list is a collection of the best Deno modules and resources. ...
Self-Hosting Network Controller Interfaces Self-Hosting articles zerotier – The Dorknet rises- Self-hosted ZeroTier on OPNsense. From zero to Zerotier in k3s way- Self-hosted ZeroTier on a Raspberry Pi, using k3s. Self-Hosting videos ...