Now the Silver Tower is a twisted little story. It’s standalone but happens to be the same zombie apocalypse. Again delving too much into the story would give away too many spoilers. The Silver Tower is an exclusive high-rise condo where key staff pull down the shutter as the chaos out...
part 2 chef marcus samuelsson serves us his 10 essentials meatball entrepreneur michael chernow loves his vintage tees and leather jackets don't deny rapper jay sean his cars, watches, or a firm pillow walking dead’s norman reedus needs these things to survive a zombie apocalypse designer nate...
part 2 chef marcus samuelsson serves us his 10 essentials meatball entrepreneur michael chernow loves his vintage tees and leather jackets don't deny rapper jay sean his cars, watches, or a firm pillow walking dead’s norman reedus needs these things to survive a zombie apocalypse designer nate...
Worst case, you might be able to find abandoned shelters if you have to leave your primary one.If you reside somewhere where trees are abundant (and the population density is not extremely high), you can chop them down as needed.If not, you might want to start building your firewood ...
Butler. The story is about the United States suffering an economic apocalypse. The main character felt the need to have a purpose in life, even when everything bad was happening. She decided God was change and our purpose was to affect God/change. That’s a kind of pantheism. What if ...
With the Australian continent on fire, and the reported “billions of animals” perished in the bushfires, for as gorgeous as this is, it should help lighting a much needed fire under our own asses. The insect apocalypse is already here, and our bird populations are rapidly declining –and...
As said, it took me a moment to get into the right mindset, but it helps that Mark Dacascos is the lead in this, because the guy is amazing. He might not be the best actor on the face of the earth, but he is such an incredibly likeable, charismatic guy that I can't help ...
Something’s Got To Give, started filming a week late because of an acute sinus infection and a fever. She was able to turn up for one day on the set when her doctor advised her that she needed to be in bed for at least a week. (In fact, she would be seriously ill for the ...
Imagine looking for food, but all you find are locked and empty houses. If you’ve got acrowbaryou have nothing to worry about. And there’s nothing wrong with breaking into an abandoned home while trying to survive an apocalypse!
I asked the owner, Harlan Dietrich, to tell me what book in the store he felt I needed to read. Because he is not the indiscriminate conspiracy nut that I am, he recommendedThe Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserveby G. Edward Griffin. I had heard some buz...