ceramic: A hard, non-metallic material made by heating clay, used for pottery and tiles. rubber: A flexible and elastic material made from natural or synthetic sources, commonly used in tires and seals. paper: A thin material...
LISTENANDREPEATTheflowersaremadeofchocolate.Thetiresaremadeofrubber.4 ASKANDANSWERThechairismadeof.Whatisitmadeof?Thehouseismadeof.5 ASK ANDANSWERIsyourschoolbagmadeofleather?Yes,itis./No,itisn’t.Isthehousemadeofbrick?6 READANDMATCH7 READANDMATCH8 ASK ANDANSWERRead and correct the sentences.9 SHO...
The average household uses synthesized rubber in everything from elasticized bands in clothing and hair ties, to dishwashing gloves, toys, jar seals and tires. Starting at the welcome mat at the front door of a home, and moving to the garden hoses out back, people use hundreds of rubber ...
director of marketing for truck tires with Continental. “Unfortunately, this is something all fleets will have to contend with. Runout tires should be marked and paired up with a suitable tire to be used at the earliest convenience. This will keep the tire from aging out before it has rea...
From sprained wrists to fractured bones, these incidents often result in more than just a momentary embarrassment. 2. Car Accidents: The Collision Chronicles The hum of engines, the screeching of tires—a car accident can happen in the blink of an eye. Whether it's a minor fender-bender or...
aWhen tire pressure drops below the pre-set safe value, transmitter issues warnings to the receiver. Red alert signal lights up on the transmitter, driver should go to the nearest gas station to pump air into the flatted tires. 当轮胎气压在被预先设定的安全价值之下时下降,发射机发布警告对接收...
M: “Yes, I’m sure. Today is Saturday number five. I know this because I had to get new tires yesterday, and yesterday was Saturday number four. Saturday number four equates to Thursday. It naturally follows that today is Saturday number five for me, which equates to Friday for people...
It might be hard at first glance to see what things like toothbrushes, tires, cigarettes, and shoes have in common. But look closer and you’ll find that, like so many objects in our daily lives, they’re often made to a greater or lesser degree of the magic stuff (东西): plastic....
Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative...
Our guide showed us how the Vietnamese would escape in the jungle and camouflage the entrances with termite hills. We learned that they fought in sandals made from automobile tires to avoid jungle rot. And we learned how they wore checkered scarves to announce that they were fighting for the...