Vike - Like Nuxt/Next.js but as a do-one-thing-do-it-well plugin. ssr - A Server Side Rendering framework combined with Webpack/Vite. vavite - A tool for developing and building server-side applications with live reloading capabilities. vue-ssr - Minimalistic wrapper to develop and ...
tbox - A glib-like multi-platform c library. [Apache2] website Ultimate++ - A C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework. [BSD] Windows Template Library - A C++ library for developing Windows applications and UI components. [Public] Yomm2 - Fast, Orthogonal, Open multi-methods...
A one-pager is an approximately 250-word document that shares high-level, key information with its reader. It is often used for promotional, planning, and educational purposes. What is the purpose of a one-pager? A one-pager can be used to share information, like a new product, a propos...
Simple things like copy & paste Article 06/08/2006 By Stuart J StupleOne of the things that I love about Word 2007 is that many existing features are becoming easier to find and easier to use. The thing I find most challenging about my job and the particular areas in which I work ...
It’s almost like tasting wine. That’s kind of a weird way to think about learning someone’s name, but I’ve tried it out many times, and it actually does bring an interesting quality to the memorization process. Ask And You Shall Remember Ask is the second word in this powerful acr...
These search terms are calledkeywords. They can be a single word, but in most cases, they’re going to be a short phrase. For instance, here on RyRob, readers often find my blog using keywords like: Start a blog Best free blogging sites ...
Implement a Microsoft Word-like Object Model for Your .NET Framework Application Implementing XmlReader Classes for Non-XML Data Structures and Formats Improving String Handling Performance in .NET Framework Applications Introducing the .NET Framework 3.0 Introducing System.Transactions in the .NET Framewor...
Implement a Microsoft Word-like Object Model for Your .NET Framework Application Implementing XmlReader Classes for Non-XML Data Structures and Formats Improving String Handling Performance in .NET Framework Applications Introducing the .NET Framework 3.0 Introducing System.Transactions in the .NET Framewor...
Implement a Microsoft Word-like Object Model for Your .NET Framework Application Implementing XmlReader Classes for Non-XML Data Structures and Formats Improving String Handling Performance in .NET Framework Applications Introducing the .NET Framework 3.0 Introducing System.Transactions in the .NET Framewor...
vue-to-counter Scroll strings, numbers, dates like a slot machine. Meta Tags Manage meta information in the document head Unhead Portal Move a DOM node to a target DOM node Official: Vue Teleport portal-vue - A Vue Plugin to render your component's template anywhere in the DOM (Works ...