Let me preface by saying that I’ve taken an unintended but very long break from social media. I’ve gotten out of the habit of commenting on what I take in, and it’s become difficult to fathom suddenly crashing in and making statements on the escalating slaughter that continues in Pales...
People who pride themselves on the scientific way of distinguishing between things that are real and things that are unsubstantiated (imaginary, invented, spurious) usually draw a firm line between facts that have been, and can be, demonstrated by experiment or predicted to happen in prescribed cir...
By 1967,more people used_. To 15、day. Most of us have one. However, it is still not sure _.Isnt that amazing?Felix the Cat1928the worlds first colour TVSome scarves, a policemans hat, some flowers,a man and a cigarettecolour TV sets thanblack-and-white TV setswho invented TVonly...
Let’s Play Megami Tensei II, Part 12: The Sword in the Snake Let's Play,Uncategorized Trash Culture Presents Megami Tensei II, Part 11: Lucifer On Ice Yes This Really Happened Yes, This Really Happened: Xena Convinced Emperor Caligula To Kill Himself ...
When Cale J. Schneiderinvented his multipronged cake breaker, he had no notion of its destiny as a comb for Afro‐American hair. While bakers today use pie cutters to cut their angel food cakes, in its day, this tool took the cake. ...
In reality, gum typically passes through the digestive system in a few days. 2. Spinach has lots of iron. Louis Hansel on Unsplash While spinach is a healthy vegetable, it doesn't actually contain as much iron as was once believed. 3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Pawel Cz...
John Lloyd Wright, son of the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, invented Lincoln Logs after noticing a foundation of interlocking beams on a Tokyo hotel that his father had designed. The earliest Lincoln Logs used redwood and various colors for the roof. To this day, it’s not clear wheth...
2) Send two of his bungling henchmen to check out the car (which of course is his real objective in all this), bringing attention to his interest in the car to the Street Sharks, and to awkwardly mention to Streeks that Dr. Paradigm has invented a way to completely reverse geneslamming...
Ironically, the Trump/Vance position is not far from that articulated by Ezra, Israel’s 6th century BCE priest and scribe who invented the concept of a genocidal Israel as God’s chosen one. (You can read a summary of Ezra’s words immediately below.)...
The original Cheetos date back to 1948, and were invented by Frito’s creator C.E. Doolin. In a famous success story, Richard Montanez, a janitor at Frito-Lay, added chili powder to a batch of Cheetos that had accidentally been made without the requisite cheese powder dusting. He pitched...