2Things I Wish I'd Known in High School Sometimes high school seems like a necessary evil. Now at the end of my college journey, I know that there are still more things I could have done to make my high school experience more beneficial. (1)___ Take a class that scares you during ...
when I became an adult. I just was too lazy to do it. And I didn’t have a good idea of how to actually do it. Now, I’ve learned how to plan, and how to stick to that plan. Sure, I deviate from my plan, but I’ve learned how to handle that too. Maybe that’...
so much of what i got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to be important. there are only a few things that truly matter to have a happy life. i wish i had known to concentrate on those and ignore the rest. 2. the greatest source of ...
高二英语:Things I wish I had known when I was younger教案(示范文本) things i wish i’d known when i was younger last week i retired from the company in which i had worked for many years, so finally i have the time to reflect on the mistakes i have made in my life. people tend ...
1 There are so many things I wish I had known while ___ upA.growB.growingC.grownD.grew 2 There are so many things I wish I had known while ___ up A. A.grow B. B.growing C. C.grown D. D.grew 3 There are so many things I wish I had knownwhile ___ upA. grow B. ...
Things I wish I had known at the beginning of my PhD.The article offers the author's insights regarding the things that Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) students should do at the beginning of the study. The author says that one should choose a study that interests him and it is better to ...
THINGS I WISH I HAD KNOWN WHEN I WAS YOUNGER课件2 热度: Things I wish I had known when I was younger教案7 热度: 舟山中学忻瑜 TeachingPlan Teachingcontent:ThingsIwishI’dknownwhenIwasyoung Teachingaims: 1.Getthestudentstolearnsome“philosophyoflife”withdifferentreadingskills. ...
《<Things I wish I had known when I was younger>Reading &Writing教学设计》 一、设计思想 英语是一门应用性的学科。语言学习的最终目的是为了应用。而阅读作为一种语言学习的主要输入方式,最终是为了语言的输出。本堂课的设计思路是让学生在对文章进行深层次的理解之后,最终能够以书面的形式表达自己对于本文的...
things I wish I had learned long ago. First, most of it doesn’t matter. So much of what I got excited about, anxious about, or wasted my time and energy on, turned out not to matter. When I was a middle school student, I once intended not to take mid-term exams, for I was ...
【范文】things I wish I’d known revised教案范文 things I wish I’d known revised 教案 TeachingPlan Teachingcontent:ThingsIwishI dknownwhenIwasyoung Teachingaims: . Getthestudentstolearnsome “ philosophyoflife ” withdifferentreadingskills. 2. Raisestudents ’’ awarenessofpositivelyfacinglifeand...